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Home FAQ

  • What services does the RUX Lab offer?
    The Research in User eXperience (RUX) lab investigates issues related to user experience and usability of software, products, and processes. The lab conducts research and provides consulting services to industry in the following areas: Competitive Product Analysis, Expert/Heuristic Review, Eye Tracking, Out-of-Box Experience (OOBE), Requirements Gathering (Online Surveys, Interviews, Focus Groups), Usability testing, and Video Game Satisfaction (GUESS). Please go to our services page to learn more about the services that the RUX Lab offers.
  • Where are you located?
    We are at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University's Daytona Beach, FL Campus. Our lab is one of the 8 Human Factors labs in the College of Arts & Sciences (COAS). You can find us on the 4th floor of the COAS in room 401.29.
  • How do I get involved with the RUX lab?
    We’re excited that you want to get involved! Let us know that you're interested by emailing the lab director, Dr. Chaparro at or the lab director Jessyca Derby at, and they will provide you with further information.
  • I am interested in hiring the RUX Lab to conduct usability research on my product/website. How much will this cost?
    We are excited for your interest in us! Please contact the Director of the RUX Lab (Dr. Barbara Chaparro) at for any questions regarding RUX Lab services or pricing.
  • Is the RUX Lab equipped to run remote usability testing?
    Yes! We have the latest tools, equipment, and experience to facilitate remote usability tests, interviews, focus groups, etc.
  • What equipment does the RUX Lab have?
    We have a Tobii X60 Eye Tracker, Tobii Glasses 2, Microsoft HoloLens 1 Mixed Reality Headset, Magic Leap, and computing equipment for usability testing (PCs, microphones, Android and iOS cellphones, laptops, tablets, etc).

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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